Saturday 7 June 2008

A b*tch

Okie! I do this post as soon as I remember something that really annoyed me just now!

This afternoon I went to fetch one of my besty friend who lived at Tutong.

I departed from my home around 12.55pm and arrived at her house at about 1.25pm I think. *I flew from Gadong to Tutong to fetch her, bloody good hor me?* Ngek ngek ngek!

I was contacting the other friends, but both didn't want go with us. So... Let it be la.

Arrive The Mall, Gadong at around 2pm. Lucky enough la me, so easy found parking.

Went to take our lunch at the food court.

Then, she bought a new mobile phone for herself. Z770i... Not bad la..

Shopping for a while until I met this stupid girl who works at the one of the cds shop in the Gadong area.

I took my dvds to the cashier to have a try. If they're good I buy, if not good bye!

And I tell you what!

The lady, or should I call her b*tch, mcm beh song trying or testing my dvds la!!!

Face so angry + gloomy to the max!


Punch you to death ah!

Even punching in the money also so KNS! Press the 'enter' so hard!

I thought it only happened to me. But, it happened to my friend too!!! KNNCCB!

She really beh song with the work I know. Working from morning until night (or shift I'm not sure).

If you don't like the job, then just quit and be shao nai nai la (if you're capable too!) or find a pretty and nice salary job la (again! If you're capable too!!!)

Sure you're non-educated!!! Otherwise, you won't be doing the job that you hate so much! Where you've to work so tiring and hate and being gloomy and showing your angriness to your customers (should use YOUR BOSS' CUSTOMERS more appropriate).

I really wanna shout at her just now.... I almost open my mouth to say, " Oui! Apa marah-marah???!!! Nda mau kraja, balik la!!! Who do you think you are?! F*ck you b*itch!" *I can malay quite well you know! hahahaha!*

Please la, don't hire such people to your company la. It may ruins the company soon!

If I happen to go there again and meet that b*tch with that stupidest attitude, don't give me a damn!



*I've no intention to say whoever out there who have low education ok. This post I only refered to the lady that I met earlier, that's all! Don't sue me ok*

1 comment:

Horny Ang Moh said...

Aiyah! U do meet this sort of shop assistant lah! Just don't care about them!
BTW tq very much for dropping on my site! Have a very nice day!